The Winter’s Touch on the Beach. Final Project Gallery

This guy captured the same feel here in South Texas this time of year!

Alex Fraioli

The pictures highlight, the highly unvisited place, of the beach in the winter. The photos contain elements of the beach as well as the surroundings, plants, signs, buildings, and other objects. There is some people in the distance in a few of the pictures as well as one picture of an up close face. The face is meant to be like a breath of fresh air.  When visiting the beach I found it to be a perfect place as it is empty and beautiful just waiting for the summer to come and once again be used and full of families. I found that conveying the idea that it was empty was hard and the idea that it was winter. But I highlighted the trees and the plants to convey winter and the empty is shown in the beach house just made of wood and very simple and dull but has…

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